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Closing Report


Specific Skills Used


Most important skill that I needed during my internship was “people” skill. I had to interact with many different types of people – both mean and nice. I had to handle many people the way it was appropriate so it required friendliness as well as patience. Use of technology wasn’t really important but learning how to use the cash register also took some time. Since the machine itself counted the amount and the change, I did not have to any math subtractions and additions.


Daily Duties


My duties consisted mostly of handling the customers. It had to pick the clothes they gave for dry cleaning as well as clothes that need altercation with its directions. I also had to use the cash register to charge the customers whether it was cash, check or credit/debit card. During the slow hours, I had job of sorting the clothes I collected in the rack neatly as well as keeping my work space clean since it is hard to be organized when people are coming in one after another during rush hours. Overall, my daily duty was enough to keep me occupied most of the time so I think I did not waste much time. My mom also helped me a lot when I did not know what to do so it was easy to learn my duties.


What I Learned


I learned couple of important social skills during my internship but I also learned how to use a cash register. One of the social skills I learned was courtesy. I constantly had to use polite language as well welcomes and come agains. At first it felt weird and even forced but I got used to it pretty quick and learned that it was just common courtesy. I also learned to helpful. I had to help many new customers and answer their questions even though I barely knew about the details myself. I had to be patient and informative to whoever that had questions so that they feel respected and valued.


Example of Obstacle


I am not very expressive or talkative person. So it was difficult at first to give the customer impression of welcoming and courtesy. But once I got used to it, I was able to be much more expressive and friendlier to the customers. I think this internship actually helped my social skill as it was something that I lacked. I learned that it is not that hard to start a conversation and give a positive impression when meeting someone for the first time.


Comparison between Initial Expectations and Final Experience


My initial expectation was that I expected myself to do the job pretty adequately. I did not think that I had the necessary skills to do the work well enough. But in the end, I believe that I actually done the job better than I expected myself to do. Once I started to get used it, I actually think that I did it as good as my mom. I definitely enjoyed the experience of working for the first time and I would enjoy doing this during my free time.

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